CARELL GROUP – Scripts and Information for Master Studies

Advanced labs (F-Praktikum)

We always welcome students to do their advanced training in our group. Please contact Markus Müller with your interests and desired training period. Alternatively, feel free to approach the PhD students or postdocs in the Carell group directly.

Enzyme und Kofaktoren – (SS)

Video Lecture: Coenzymes and Biosyntheses (T1OK-M)

A total of 21 chapters on "the chemistry behind the biochemistry" with a focus on the participating coenzymes.

Enzyme und Kofaktoren 1

Enzyme und Kofaktoren 2

Vorlesung Coenzyme

Zusatzskript Pyrimidine

Zusatzskript Methylierungen

Chemical Biology – Basics of Cloning, Genomics and Proteomics – (WS)

Video Lecture 20/21: Basics of Cloning, Genomics and Proteomics (T1OJ-M)

The videos can be viewed as LMU member only.

Moodle Course

To sign up for the Moodle course in Chemical Biology use enrolement key ChemBio2021

Sample Questions (2020)

Extra script: Bioconjugations

Fun Stuff

Oscillating chemical reactions are fascinating! Watch a prime example, the Briggs-Rauscher reaction, also known as iodine clock.

Watch the Video

(LMU Login Required)

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